Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Versatile 7 of 2011

Libby took me to see poet Mary Oliver in Richmond last April. The reading will go down as one of my all-time favorite life experiences. Hours before the reading, I woke up bedraggled and thumbed to her poem about Humpback whales. She chose that poem at random to be her final reading later that day.

HBO's new series Enlightened was the antidote to everything wrong with 2011. Laura Dern's character, 'Amy Jellicoe' fought corporate interests, her status as an older and unattached woman in suburbia, and most importantly, self doubt, in a series that won my heart this year. If you haven't yet seen this show: watch it.

One of my TV boyfriends, Rodiney Santiago of LOGO's A List: New York, apparated Harry-Potter style at a club I visited in NYC late last summer. Our meeting was preceded by months of delusional oogling to the point where my friends who'd never seen 'The A List' knew who Rodiney was. When we met it was magic, and I'm pretty sure the flirting was mutual. This queen needs to watch her back.

It should go without saying that I've been delighted and impressed to see Neon Hitch perform on stage, on TV, and to hear her music while road tripping this year. My favorite memory includes me drunkenly singing the hook I wrote for her, to her, outside a Manhattan tattoo parlor a few weeks ago. Check for Gypsy Heart on your radio in 2012.

My dad recently asked if I had been seeing anyone, and with a flush of queeny enthusiasm, I confessed that my newest TV boyfriend, Ty Lor Boring from Top Chef: Texas had accepted my Facebook friend request. After 2011, the year in which a medical student promised to take care of me for the rest of my life, multiple threesomes, and continued sexual experiences with "straight" men, my less than complicated relationship with Ty Lor has been a breath of fresh air. He doesn't know it yet, but one day we're going to own a restaurant together and father chocolate labs.

2011 marks the year that Elizabeth Warren threw her hat in the race for a seat in the US Senate. Elizabeth Warren is a Harvard economist who was tapped by Obama to head the Consumer Protection Agency and one of the few progressive voices in modern politics, advocating for fairer taxes, and greater transparency. Liz Warren is a fundraising powerhouse and scares the shit out of Republicans -- her's is the race to watch in 2012.

Today, the final day of 2011, I watched the film Tiny Furniture which was written, directed by, and starred, Lena Dunham, a 25 year old bitch who is ballin out of her mind. This movie so perfectly encapsulates the dilemma every post grad has found herself in this year. This movie, and avocado sandwiches with Libby, gave me hope for 2012.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

TV Boyfriends ... Top Chef Edition!

Ty Lor Boring of Top Chef: Dallas
yes, that is his real name.

Adorable .... Ty Lor lives in Brooklyn, used to live in Thailand, cooks, and has a GREAT smile. DONE.

oh, and he modeled for "Butt" magazine, pics here

Also from Top Chef: Dallas is Chris Crary, who is not as sexy as Ty Lor, BUTT...

Chris is a former fatty, which means he's sweet ;)

and from Season 2, Sam Talbot :

Who's Hungry?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ms. Jay : It Gets Better

oh, no.



Production Reel from PotsNPans Films on Vimeo.

Trevy + PotsNPans killin' it once again.

Trev's about to graduate early from NYU and work full time on the production company he started with two of his best friends. I am so proud of him and all he's accomplished thus far. I know our mom would be proud too - Trevor is the kind of person who could literally do anything he wanted. When he was little we thought his creative brain and tinkering would make him a great engineer. I am so happy he developed his process oriented thinking towards making art.

love you bropalope!

It's Official: ASS BACK HOME

"i don't care what you're after,
as long as i'm the one
i don't care why you're leaving,
you'll miss me when you're gone"

What We've Been Waiting For:


What is Krampuslauf?

"If everything is sweet and beautiful and lovely and the most wonderful time of the year, some people, like me, start to get a little nauseated, want a little salt to go with the sugar," she says. "I think there [are] a lot of people out there who enjoy the idea of having a little salt." - Janet Finegar, Krampuslauf Practicioner

basically makes 100x more sense than Christmas.

Read on!

WeigthLoss 2k11

Ms. Black had the biggest viral video of 2011. Good One.

Pinnacle of Pop

Princess Robyn

Friday, December 9, 2011

Don't Miss Neon on Fallon!

2111291356 by YardieGoals

Our talented gypsy Queen serenaded Late Night host Jimmy Fallon with Gym Class Heroes on Dec. 9th 2011 - the first of many televised performances!

TODAY she'll be participating in z100's Jingle Ball concert at MADISON SQUARE GARDEN - also on the stage? : Lady Gaga, Kelly Clarkson + Foster the People.

So Proud of you!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Benhamean = Grammy Winna?

Ben's song 'Moves Like Jagger' is up for a Grammy this year, it goes without saying that I am super excited, impressed, + emotional... We spent so many 'Reading Times' at Sunrise Valley making cartoons and rewriting pop lyrics, and walks home talking about the future. Ben's taught me to speak my mind - always, that saying naughty words is OKAY when its done with love, and that enacting your wildest dreams is possible.

I'm pretty sure Ben was the first person who told me about RuPaul, and that is also very special.